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A close up of a long eared owl facing back and towards the left.
© Photo by Rachel Bigsby

Long-Eared Owl

Asio otus

The Long-eared owl is a shy, nocturnal bird of coniferous forests, plantations and mixed woodlands and can be seen in communal roosts of over 20 birds.

© Photo by Harry Hogg

Small mammals such as voles form the most part of the long-eared owl’s diet but birds are also important. The long-eared owl hunts out its prey by sweeping clearings and fields in a zig-zag flying pattern, scanning the ground for movement. Once prey is spotted the owl swoops down and dispatches its victim on the ground by biting the back of the head. Long-eared owls breed from February onwards, using old nests or tree hollows to lay their eggs.

How to Identify

Long-eared owls are mottled brown with orangey-red eyes and long wings. Long ‘ear’ tufts give them their common name. The very similar short-eared owl is paler with yellow eyes and short ear tufts and is more diurnal. Usually found near grassland and salt marshes.

Where to Find

Breeds across the UK but fewer birds in the south-west and Wales. Most likely to be seen on migration at the coast or returning to winter roosts.

How People Can Help

Although the long-eared owl is not declining, their woodland habitats are disappearing. Across town and country, local Wildlife Trusts manage woodland nature reserves for the benefit of the wildlife they support. You can help by supporting your local Trust and becoming a member; you’ll find out about exciting wildlife happenings, events on your doorstep and volunteering opportunities, and be helping local wildlife along the way.

Did you know?

The ‘ear’ tufts of both long- and short-eared owls are not actual ears but feathers which can be raised when the owl is alarmed or wishing to make itself look taller.

Key Facts

  • Length: 35-37cm
  • Wingspan: 95cm
  • Weight: 290g
  • Average lifespan: 4 years


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