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Sir David Attenborough calls for nature’s recovery

Sir David Attenborough, president emeritus of The Wildlife Trusts has made a short film with the charity to provide answers to the State of Nature partnership’s latest warnings of continued, devastating wildlife declines in the UK.

In the film, Sir David calls for powerful new laws to ensure the UK’s wild places can thrive once more and for a Nature Recovery Network.

Sir David Attenborough says in the film:

“Now is the time to tell our politicians that we need a Nature Recovery Network set in law. A legally binding network for nature would mean that wildlife is prioritised when managing our land and planning our towns. Powerful new environmental laws can ensure habitats are expanded and reconnected meaning all life will thrive once more.

“It’s time to turn things around. Nature is capable of extraordinary recovery but we must act now!  Tell your politicians now is the time to put nature into recovery. Everything works better when it’s connected.”

 The film urges people to take action for a wilder future. Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust are calling for the public to:

  1. Contact your MPs, highlight the need for Nature Recovery Networks to be included in law and asking them to set up a meeting with Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust CEO, Liz Ballard, to discuss the importance of this further.
  2. Become a member of Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust. Together we can work to bring our wildlife back.
  3. Take up wildlife gardening – you can do simple things to help wildlife
  4. Join our campaign for a #WilderFuture

Nikki Williams, Director of Campaigns and Policy at The Wildlife Trusts, says:

“Nature is in big trouble but we know how to bring it back. Local action is already making a real difference and now the government needs to play its part. We need a Nature Recovery Network established in law – one that is locally developed and nationally connected – this would help join up our last remaining wild places by creating vital new habitats. It’s time to make nature a normal part of childhood again and restore wildlife so it can recover and thrive across urban jungles and the countryside once more – where it can be part of people’s daily lives.”

Follow these links for more information about how to create a Nature Recovery Network and our Wilder Future campaign.