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Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust response to Council street trees statement

[lead]Sheffield City Council today released a statement regarding Sheffield’s street trees.[/lead]

In response, Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust CEO Liz Ballard, said:

“We cautiously welcome the joint position statement from Sheffield City Council, Amey and Sheffield Trees Action Group steering group (STAG SG) – cautiously because we recognise there is still much to discuss and a need for trust on both sides.

“But it is fantastic to see such great progress. We are especially pleased to see in the ‘new street tree proposals‘ that the Vernon Oak and Chelsea Road elm tree are no longer scheduled for felling, something we have repeatedly called for in our letters and meetings with Sheffield City Council.

“We are also pleased to see that Sheffield City Council has agreed to a longer term street tree strategy, as we asked for some time ago.”

For more information on Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust’s position on the issue of street trees, visit