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Autumn trees - grow your business

Growing trees to grow your business

Logs stacked – @Matthew Roberts

Most of us love trees, but did you know how much they can help to grow your business?

A well-designed and managed woodland can help grow your farm business and create income streams. It can even save you money!

Here’s how:

  • growing and selling timber to generate viable income streams
  • producing woodfuel to either sell at local markets or to provide heat for your home, reducing your energy costs
  • diversifying your wood, such as selling building materials to make fencing and gates for farms and homes
  • creating idyllic settings to set up either a glamping site and/or forest school and other diversification such as farm shops, cafes and dog walking areas
  • and don’t forget wood chippings for mulch/weed control

We also can let you into a little secret on how to receive revenue on the amount of carbon your trees capture! Register here www.woodlandcarboncode.org.uk to offset your business emissions or to sell carbon units (every tonne captured). This can start as early as five years after planting. 

If you plant your woodland with the support of South Yorkshire Woodland Partnership you will receive a yearly maintenance offer for every hectare planted on your land.

For further information please contact South Yorkshire Woodland Partnership on: woodlandenquiries@wildsheffield.com or call: 07739 516228