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Take a look, through some of the common species of wildlife that live in the South Yorkshire area around Sheffield and Rotherham.
A recently extended patch of heathland and woodland, neighbouring Wyming Brook.
Help stop the badger cull coming to Sheffield and Rotherham!
Unveil the hidden world of insects in Sheffield & Rotherham with the newest issue of Kingfisher magazine.
Find out more about the Sheffield Local Plan and our views.
In January 2023, Sheffield City Council published their long-awaited Draft Local Plan. The plan will shape the policies and locations for developments and other land uses in the city (excluding the Peak District National Park) until 2039. What will this mean for Sheffield’s natural environment?
We submitted a response to the public consultation, and you can click the following links to see our top asks and our full response.
In August 2023, Sheffield City Council released their response to the consultation. The papers went to the Strategy and Resources Committee who have approved the suggested amendments, and it will now go to full Council on 6th September.
We submitted a large number of representations and are pleased to see that several of these have resulted in policy wording amendments and strengthened site conditions to protect and enhance ecological networks. We would have liked Sheffield City Council to go further – including using the most up to date nature recovery maps available to them and to be clearer and more ambitious about where more and improved green infrastructure should go.
However, we look forward to continuing to work with the Council and other partners on the South Yorkshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy and how this integrates into the planning system.
We would like to thank all our members and other environmental groups across the city who also submitted comments which have improved the plan. Your engagement in this process will have a long-lasting influence.
What we have done previously:
On Thursday 19th January we hosted a ‘Wild Night In’ online Zoom event to explain what the Local Plan is, the key draft natural environment policies and site allocations and how you can most effectively respond to the consultation.
We also submitted a response to the consultation – you can see our top asks and our full response here. We also shared our headline messages in the event, which you can watch a recording of here:
The Draft Local Plan and supporting documents can be found here, along with details about a series of public drop-in events about the Local Plan being held across the city.
If you have any questions for us about Sheffield’s local plan, please email takeaction@wildsheffield.com