# Defend Nature

The UK Government is seriously threatening nature. Find out more about these threats and how you can take action.

© Yellow hammer dead at the side of the road ©Shutterstock

No Nature. No Future.

© Rod-Egglestone_Honey-Garden-Bees-on-Yellow-Tree-Peony_April-2024

How you can help: step-by-step

These are serious and potentially catastrophic decisions which:

  • Disregard the 2019 manifesto that stated a Conservative Government would deliver the most ‘ambitious environmental programme of any country on earth’, and promised to support farmers to restore nature
  • Undermine the UK Government’s legally binding commitment to halt species decline by 2030 in England, set out in the Environment Act less than a year ago.
  • Healthy wildlife and a thriving environment are the answer to many of the challenges we’re trying to tackle today. They are not burdens. 

Speak up

If you are on Twitter, please tweet your MP and include your local Councilors today.

Use our simple form to tell them how much nature matters to you, that we’re one of the most nature-depleted countries on Earth, and ask them what they’re doing to reverse the trend.

Otter by Amy Lewis
© Otter by Amy Lewis

Why are The Wildlife Trusts and other environmental charities so concerned?

We believe the UK Government has launched a full-scale attack on nature – leaving wildlife unprotected by tearing up some of the most fundamental laws we’ve got.

New planning laws and ‘investment zones’ announced by the Government represent a ‘free-for-all’ on nature by weakening the laws previously in place to protect it from bulldozers and concrete. The Retained EU Law Act could also see the end of basic protections, leading to the loss of designated wildlife sites and a relaxation on pollution laws, resulting in more sewage in our rivers and streams.

What’s more, the UK Government is also reviewing the new system that has been developed to reward farmers that help to restore the environment. Reports suggest that instead they might revert back to the old system of paying farmers depending on how much land they own (with larger landowners receiving more subsidy). This is a complete about turn on the farming reform the Conservative Party promised to deliver in their election manifesto in 2019.

Need more info?