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Take a look, through some of the common species of wildlife that live in the South Yorkshire area around Sheffield and Rotherham.
A recently extended patch of heathland and woodland, neighbouring Wyming Brook.
Help stop the badger cull coming to Sheffield and Rotherham!
Unveil the hidden world of insects in Sheffield & Rotherham with the newest issue of Kingfisher magazine.
Specialising in collaborative approaches, Kris currently leads on the development of a number of creative and community projects in Rotherham.
A nature lover with a strong background in health, social enterprise, community development and operational management, Kris has been lucky enough to work across health and social care, public health, voluntary and community, education, housing and commercial sectors at local, regional and national levels. This has given Kris a broad perspective which she brings to my practice which has always been focussed on tackling social inequality. She is also a qualified business coach and holds a master’s degree in Leadership and Innovation.
Specialising in collaborative approaches, Kris currently leads on the development of a number of creative and community projects in Rotherham. As a result, she brings strong relationships with community partners in Rotherham at both a strategic and community level. Through working as a senior operational manager in the public and voluntary sector Kris has extensive experience in all aspects of strategic leadership including strong financial acumen and effective human resource management.
Outside of work, Kris enjoys spending time with family and friends. She gets involved in activities such as walking, running or cycling in the hills and woods in and around Sheffield and Rotherham.
Kris states she is greatly concerned by the severe loss of natural habitats and the steep decline in wildlife on both a local and global scale and being a Trustee is one of ways she is trying to play her part and take action to make a positive change for our planet.
A strong advocate of local activism, Kris offers time and skills to support the Trust in its aim to create a vibrant living landscape which is valued and encouraged to thrive for future generations. During her first three year term, Kris has been an active member of the board and finance committee and supported the Trust to develop our approach to working collaboratively with communities.